John Gibson Master of Laws

The Master of Laws is instructed to oversee the Laws and Justice System in the Seven Kingdoms, they’re essentially the one whose job it is to keep things running smoothly and fairly in the face of adversity and to do what’s right and fair for the people of Westeros.
I think John Gibson is the best choice here, he’s the best player on the entire team, he establishes the tone of the game and is relied on heavily to bail out the team when things get difficult, he changes the laws of probability, physics, and reality on a near-nightly basis to keep the Ducks in just about any game he’s a part of.
Okay, okay, I know this one is a stretch, but there’s no way I can keep the best player on the team John Gibson off this Small-Council. I was going to put him as the Master of Ships because without him this ship would sink like the Titanic but I figured I’d be a bit more “glass half full” in this one
Hampus Lindholm Master of Whisperers

The Master of Whisperers is tasked with running a network of spies in the Seven Kingdoms, basically to learn about the secrets of any enemies to the King, and report them to the King before things go wrong. The Master of Whisperers is usually one of the smarter people in the Seven Kingdoms and is playing chess while the rest of the realm is playing tic-tac-toe and hasn’t even graduated to checkers yet.
Hampus Lindholm seems like a good choice here, he’s cerebral in just about everything he does, he’s charismatic when he opens up but is a bit of an enigma to outsiders. He operates in the shadows, very rarely getting the credit for the good he does, but he sure does a lot of good. Lindholm is at his best when you don’t notice him, and for a spy, you couldn’t ask for a better trait than that.
Those are my choices for a Game Of Thrones style Small Council with Anaheim Ducks, who would you elect to your small council of Ducks? Would you follow suit with what I’ve proposed or maybe throw in a curveball and bring some of the legends of Ducks past out of retirement to lead?
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