The Anaheim Ducks appear to be at a franchise crossroads. And while that in and of itself is a scary thought, maybe things need to fall apart in order to be put back together right.
I don’t care if you’re the most optimistic fan in the entirety of the world, no team is perfect, no team is without its issues, and no team is without their own hard truths to face. A teams ability to traverse the hard times, the slippery roads so to speak, is what separates the great teams from the Edmonton Oilers. (Sorry Oilers fans, but I think even you’d agree with me at this point). Equally important is a fans ability to realize that even though things may look bleak, that things are seemingly at rock bottom, leaving you with a feeling of frustration, anger, sadness, and desperation, there is (usually) light at the end of the tunnel. And just about every situation has some sort of a silver lining, even if it’s hard to see initially.
That’s why I’m here today, I want to give you guys, my fellow Ducks fans, four pills that are hard to swallow, ranging from the “eh that wasn’t so bad” level of hard to swallow, to “I really really don’t want to admit that, and I’m only on stage one of the seven stages of grief”. But I don’t want things to be all doom and gloom, so while I may not have the most fun things to share with you today, I want to give each of them as much of a silver lining as I possibly can… Although no promises because I’m admittedly cynical, but I will do my best for you all.