There is no question that Randy Carlyle’s time in Anaheim is fleeting. The question isn’t if, but when. Nevertheless, the bigger question is, who should be the next “big cheese” behind the Anaheim Ducks bench?
All roads to hell are paved with good intentions, and Randy Carlyle has a hot date with the devil. It’s no secret that Ducks Nation is ready to pull out their torches and pitchforks and chase our clipboard-wielding coach out of town for good. The Anaheim Ducks need a change in a bad way, and finding a new head coach is a good place to start.
Of course, we cannot place all the blame solely on Randy Carlyle. The players have a lot of kinks to work out as well. The only way to fix that might be a complete retooling of the roster. However, they have to start somewhere, and there’s no better person to start with than the man who has completely lost control of his locker room.
We all know that Carlyle being replaced is no longer a matter of if, but when. His system is old, his methods are stale, and his team is up a creek without a paddle. The more important question at hand is, who will replace him when he’s relieved of his duties?
Bob Murray is going to have to make a few tough decisions and a lot of phone calls to find his answer. That is a lot of work, and the least we can do is help him out a little bit in his quest to find the next head coach of the Anaheim Ducks.
I have gone on a quest to put together an expert panel who I feel is qualified to best answer this question and give Bob Murry some guidance. We’re here to help, and in the words of Paul McCartney, “I get by with a little help from my friends.”
Our expert panel consists of the staff here at Pucks of a Feather and a few of our friends. To keep this panel free of bias, you will be given the perspective of outsider and witty lifelong Detroit Red Wings fan, Bob Heyrman. To keep us sane, we will also receive a little comedic relief from the mastermind behind Totally Offsides, Chip.
All of us will state our case, make our arguments, and maybe, just maybe, when the feces hit the rotary oscillator in Anaheim, one of these men will actually be the new head coach in Orange County.