We are thrilled to announce our first ever charity effort ever. The cause will be the Boys and Girls Club of America. This is not a fundraiser exclusively for DucksDailyBlog.com – but the entire network of Fansided sites – so its a pretty big effort!
We all know someone who has benefited from a program run by the Boys and Girls Club of America – so it is a charity that hits close to home for everyone, even if it is because there is a BCGA some where in your neighborhood that you see used daily. Think of it this way; your small donation to help our cause might give a kid the chance to play baseball, shoot hoops, or hang out with friends in a safe, controlled environment – ponder the alternative to that before you click away from this post!
Fansided does not stand alone in this venture either. Site5 has not only stood by us to keep our sites up and running with as few problems as possible, but they are standing shoulder to shoulder on this venture with us as well. A big round of applause and thank you to the guys over at Site5.
If you wish to help Fansided and Site5 in helping the Boys and Girls Club of America, please click here and make a donation. I know things can get pretty busy this time of the year, but instead of hitting Starbucks or Tim Horton’s on the way to work one day between now and Christmas, your small donation can help us reach our goal of $5000.
Thanks for reading, thanks for your donation, and most of all…HAPPY HOLIDAYS!