This November, my boyfriend’s brother is getting married.  What does that have to d..."/>  This November, my boyfriend’s brother is getting married.  What does that have to d..."/>  This November, my boyfriend’s brother is getting married.  What does that have to d..."/>

As the Joker would say, “Me me me me me me me!”


This November, my boyfriend’s brother is getting married.  What does that have to do with hockey, you ask?  The blessed event will take place close to Panther-land and we have every intention of extending this holiday to accommodate a match…even if it means forcing the lovey-dovey couple to shift the date by a few centimeters so we can see a game.

Okay, I exaggerate (I know, I do it too often, but it’s fun!), but if the kitties are in town, we are gonna borrow Panthers sweaters, shake hands with the owner and enjoy the good old hockey game (**waving manically at Frank**).

Ladies and Gentlemen, children of all ages, if you have never experienced a live hockey game, then you haven’t lived.  And you can’t go to just one.  No no!  You have to sit in every section you can.  On the glass, you get the thrill of the sounds and the boys slamming into your face.  High up in the corners you feel the fun of the hardcore fans who had one too many beers prior to the game.  Club Level you can pretend to be a prima donna and order sushi and a swordfish meatloaf with an arugula marmalade from your own private waiter.  Or, if you want to spend $3,000, you can spend your time in one of the apartments, eating stale, unidentifiable things from chafing dishes while watching the game on flatscreen TVs.

Whoops.  Too bitter.  Take a deep breath.  Dial it back.

Best seat in the house, as far as I’m concerned, is center ice nosebleeders.  Why?  Because you can see everything.  And hear everything.  It’s the best of both worlds.  The acoustics are amazing.  You can hear every hit along with the hardcore fans’ cries and … well … the only way I can describe the feeling is JUST CAPITAL!

Oop!  Forgot to mention pregame fun, but that’s another story.  Right now gotta get ready for tomorrow’s matchups.

Prep the popcorn,

Stock the beer,

Make sure that all our friends are here!

Warn the neighbors,

Sedate the dog,

And hopefully the toilets will not get clogged.