Ducks versus Vancouver Highlights


If you weren’t at the game versus Vancouver last night, has provided some highlights like they did for the Phoenix game. Click here to access the video.

The first half of the video is an interview with a tanner-than-usual Joffrey Lupul. If you want to find Lupul during the off-season, look no further than the beach (he makes his residence in Newport Beach, if you were wondering).

Besides Lupul’s dark skin, this video brings up two points. First, if they have cameras rolling in the arena, why don’t they broadcast it at least online? I know there was an online feed which I did not post (sorry everyone…I’ll be sure to post it next time), but it should still be made available through the NHL or Ducks websites.

Second, if they’re going to show highlights, why don’t they show a proper highlight reel? One minute of video that skips from one fight to another before we can see two punches is quite useless. We’re hockey fans. We want to see hockey games a lot more than interviews. When will they figure it out?